Visiting International Faculty
Departments wishing to invite visiting professors or researchers from outside the United States can request J-1 work authorization documents for the visitor’s visa application and entry to the U.S., or for an in-country change of status.
Choosing a Visa
Suffolk University can use a variety of visa classifications to legally hire or host professors, researchers, librarians, and other internationals for the purpose of collaborative research, employment, or lectures. Determining the correct visa for the international visitor is the first step in the process of hiring or hosting international faculty or researcher—see the scenarios below for your next steps.
Next Steps For...
Inviting someone to lecture and paying an honorarium and/or reimbursing expenses
Visa Type |
Allows |
For more information |
J-1 Short-Term Scholar |
The majority of temporary visiting researchers and scholars come to lecture or conduct research as J-1 Exchange Visitors. Information on how to invite individuals to the US in this status can be found on the J-1 Exchange Visitor website. Short-Term scholars are allowed to remain in the U.S. up to six months. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
B-1/B-2 or Visa Waiver |
Honorarium; stay is limited and individual must have an SSN/ITIN |
Human Resources |
Hiring an international student who is graduating from an American institution
Visa Type |
Allows |
For more information |
F-1 Optional Practical Training* |
An international student in F-1 status may apply for temporary employment authorization called Optional Practical Training (OPT) to be used during a degree program or after the completion of course requirements. Once the authorization has been approved by USCIS, an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) is issued. Departments at Suffolk may employ F-1 OPT students for a period of time within the validity of the EAD. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
J-1 Academic Training* |
An international student in J-1 status may apply for a temporary employment authorization known as Academic Training (A/T) to be used during a degree program or after the completion of course requirements. Once the authorization has been approved by the student’s J program sponsor, the J-1 receives a Letter of Authorization and extended DS-2019. Departments at Suffolk University may employ J-1 A/T students for a period of time within the 18-36 month validity of the Letter of Authorization. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
*Student should apply for authorization through the International Office of the institution from which he/she recently graduated.
Hiring an international person for a tenure-track or tenured position
Visa Type |
Allows |
For more information |
J-1 Scholar/Researcher |
The majority of temporary visiting researchers and scholars come to lecture or conduct research as J-1 Exchange Visitors.Short-Term scholars are allowed to remain in the U.S. up to six months. Scholar/Researchers can be extended to up to five years. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
H-1B |
Employees in non-tenured faculty titles and researchers can be brought into the U.S. on H-1B visas, if the J-1 visa is not an appropriate fit. H-1B petitions require approximately six to eight months to process. It is important to consult with the hiring department on the justification for H-1b over J-1. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
Hiring an international person for non-tenured teaching/research position
Visa Type |
Allows |
For more information |
H-1B |
Tenure-track faculty members and permanent researchers should primarily be brought into the U.S. on H-1B visas. H-1B petitions require approximately six to eight months to processIt is important to contact the hiring department’s to determine eligibility for this status. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
O-1 |
Certain outstanding employees that have received and sustained national and international acclaim may qualify for an O-1 visa. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
TN (Canada & Mexico) |
Certain individuals from Canada and Mexico can work based on a TN visa. |
Contact the International Student Services Office |
Inviting a J-1 Exchange Visitor
Requesting Documents for a J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor
J-1 Online Request Form Initiates the online J-1 request process. The online request form will send automatic emails to the sponsoring professor and the department chair/director to approve the J-1 Exchange Visitor's stay. The invited Exchange Visitor will also receive an electronic request to provide biographical information as well as financial information, if necessary.
Requirements of the J-1 Visa Status
Funding Requirements
The initial request by the hiring department can be for up to a maximum of five years. Verification of financial support is required. Funding may be from the University, the Exchange Visitor's government, personal funds or a combination of these sources. Documents verifying financial support from a source other than Suffolk payroll can be provided electronically to CIPS.
The funding requirements for visiting scholars can be found in the application form.
212e Home Residency Requirement
The J status has special restrictions and requirements for the Exchange Visitor. The visitor may be subject to the "two-year home residency requirement" if funding is from government sources or if the academic area of the visitor is on the "Exchange Visitor's Skills List" for his/her country of last legal residence. Being "subject" to this requirement means that the visitor must return to the country of legal residence for two years before being eligible for other immigration related benefits in the U.S. If an individual is subject to the two-year home residency requirement, he or she may request a waiver, but is not guaranteed.
Insurance Requirement
J-1 Exchange Visitors are required by U.S Department of State to hold sufficient insurance coverage throughout the duration of the program.
Extending the J-1 Exchange Visitor's Stay at Suffolk University
To request an extension of the Exchange Visitor's program, the sponsoring professor or department must submit a letter to ISSO verifying the additional length of time and any funding that will be provided.
The J-1 Exchange Visitor status facilitates scholars, researchers and professors to come to the United States for temporary periods for the purpose of educational exchange. Any international visitor who has sufficient academic training to benefit from an academic or professional program at a U.S. college or university may be eligible for this status. Exchange visitors can be invited for a period of a few weeks up to five years.
J-1 visa status is not an appropriate fit for tenured or tenure-track positions.