Affords students well-supported practice with persuasive and expository writing in the essay form through frequent writing assignments based on critical readings of class texts and discussions. Students compose a research paper and study the process of writing and revising for an academic audience.
Develops students’ analytical, composition, and research skills by teaching writing as a process in which multiple drafts are examined, edited, and revised. Establishes critical reading and reflective practices that encourage students to ask insightful questions, strengthen their research methods, understand how meanings are made in context, and craft their language into clear and coherent arguments.
Offers advanced study and practice in argumentative and research writing through further work with writing process and revision. Gives extended practice in the critical reading and synthesis of a variety of texts and perspectives. This course culminates with a substantial academic research project, including a formal research proposal, annotated bibliography, and research paper.
Offers advanced study and practice in textual analysis, writing processes, revision, and research, based on close readings of a variety of texts. This course is reserved for incoming Suffolk students with high admissions scores. Placement is by invitation only.