What People Say About "Circle Forward"
"This book—the most authoritative on the market today—is a must-read for those who are already in the field facilitating Circles, those who want to begin this journey, and those who are just curious. Its style of presentation and writing establishes the reverent tone of the Circle—one grounded in compassion and understanding—which leaves the reader with an uplifted spirit, knowing that change is possible when people care."
Ann Schumacher, Ph.D., Detroit, Michigan
"It takes skill to author a book that is both inspiring and practical. Kay and Carolyn provide a strong theoretical foundation for Circles and include extensive information about how teachers might utilize Circles in their schools and classrooms. The modules containing models for various types of Circles are extremely helpful and the appendix contains so many valuable resources. As a teacher educator looking to assist teachers as they develop both the knowledge and skills needed to effectively facilitate Circle processes, I am so excited about this book."
Kathy Evans, Assistant Professor of Education, Eastern Mennonite University
"As a former schoolteacher and school administrator, I see this book adding positively to literature being written on this topic. You have given our teachers practical methods for using Circles in their classrooms and for creating an Ecosystem of Care in schools. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with our educators!"
Robert Spicer, Restorative Justice Consultant and Community Activist: Restorative Strategies, Chicago, Illinois
"I am very grateful to Kay and Carolyn for their commitment to creating healthy communities for all young people, for their wisdom, and for their generosity. I cannot wait to share this wisdom with our schools—the teachers, administrators, students and their families, student support staff, educational assistants, volunteers, cooks, janitors, bus drivers, and school board members. This book is such a gift!"
Nancy Riestenberg, author of "Circle in the Square," School Climate Specialist, Minnesota Department of Education
"Across a range of social institutions, people are looking for new ways forward to address growing concerns, such as bullying and alienation, within institutional cultures. "Circle Forward" offers a framework and process to address these concerns within schools, based on a relational paradigm nested in the human need for belonging, power, and respect. This book offers practical guidelines for building community, teaching social and emotional learning, and facilitating difficult conversations for all members of the school community—administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents. It offers clear hope for all to find a place to belong within their own school community."
Brenda Morrison, Director of the Centre for Restorative Justice at Simon Fraser University and Professor of Criminology, Burnaby Mountain, British Columbia
"In this time of great opportunity within our schools, dreams are coming true ... my first gaze at "Circle
Forward" began a wave of chills ... have you ever wondered how to bring more SOUL into our schools?
Depth, purpose, and connection ... wonder no more... this book is sacred and brings us to a holy place ...
we are seen and heard in Peacemaking Circles ... slowly we trust ... "Circle Forward" creates the feeling of
being Home! An absolutely amazing, loving gift to us all ... deep gratitude to Kay and Carolyn for this
incredible labor of love."
Jamie Williams, The Restorative Way: Circle Training for Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota