Integrated Master's Programs

Our Integrated Master's Programs will set you on your way to earning your Suffolk University master’s degree.

Our INTO Suffolk faculty members and graduate advisors will guide you as you refine your English language skills. At the same time, you’ll be enrolled in master’s-level University coursework that will apply toward your Suffolk degree—so you can graduate on the same timeline as domestic students.

Explore our INTO Suffolk Integrated Master's Programs

Once you successfully complete your program and meet the University’s graduate admission requirements, you may enter your next semester of graduate study at Suffolk University.

Learn more about how INTO Suffolk's Integrated Master's Programs benefit you

One class that I am currently taking this semester that is very helpful for me for my future career and that is applied public relations. In this class, we learn about a lot of case studies through different fields not only in PR (public relations), but still related on how certain situations or factors affect companies and their brand’s images. This is really important for me because learning through these case studies is very hands-on and makes it more helpful to understand and learn how to handle those situations.

Panita — Thailand Master's in Communication, Public Relations & Advertising '23