Happy Birthday, MBA

Since 1949, approximately 10,000 women and men have earned MBAs at the Sawyer Business School.
They’ve developed entrepreneurial and critical thinking skills. They’ve traveled the world to understand other business cultures. And they’ve learned how to succeed in a multitude of careers, from high-tech to healthcare, start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.
Many of those alumni joined Business School faculty, administration, and current students at a festive celebration to mark the MBA program’s 70th anniversary. The Suffolk University Jazz Band and singing group Soulfully Versed performed. MBA graduates from different industries spoke. And alumni enjoyed connecting and reminiscing with classmates throughout the evening. The consensus? The Suffolk MBA was one of the more valuable experiences of their lives. Here’s what some of them had to say:

"The travel seminar experience was mind blowing. Students I've talked to at other schools don't have that. I think it's what separates the Suffolk MBA from other programs."
–Yolanda Burrell, MBA '18, recently promoted to Administrative Manager of Operations, Codman Square Health Center

"At Suffolk, you learn from real people, not theorists."
–Richard Lockhart, MBA '73, chatting with Dean William J. O'Neill, Jr.

"Consulting for four different companies in four days on the travel seminar to Germany was really valuable."
–Ravi Kulbhushan, MBA '17, senior software engineer at Philips Healthcare

"Learning about strategy was big, especially because I'm my own boss. You come out of the Suffolk MBA with hustle and confidence. That's something I use every day."
–Conrad Mitala, MBA/MSF '16, managing director at Nunjie Capital Group

"I love the University. It's very family oriented. The professors know each one of the students individually. You're not a number."
–Angela Nunez, BSBA '82, MBA '87

"The Suffolk MBA gave me a very pragmatic approach to what I needed as I entered the biotech world. It was much more applicable than many of the other MBA programs."
–Abe Ceesay, MBA' 05, chief executive officer at Tiburio Therapeutics, which launched with $31 million in Series A funding