Tracking Down the White Squirrel

Public Garden

There's nothing quite like autumn in Boston! And no where in the city is it more beautiful during the crisp season than on the Boston Common and in the Public Garden! Footsteps from our classrooms and dorms, it's the perfect place to relax between classes, catch up with friends, and try to catch a glimpse of Boston's infamous white squirrel!

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Suffolk student stroll through the Boston Common and Public Garden in the fall.

Left to right: William Bazemore '21, Heather Morton '21, Randi Robbins '21, Yasir Batalvi '20, Sophia Romeo '20, Valeria Meza '19