Sawyer Business School Receives National Recognition

'Inspiring Programs in Business' award honors colleges and universities making a difference for underrepresented groups in business
Two people shake hands at the 2023 career fair

Suffolk University’s Sawyer Business School has received the 2023 Inspiring Programs in Business Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the largest and oldest diversity and inclusion publication in higher education.

The award honors colleges and universities that encourage and assist students from underrepresented groups to enter the field of business. The Business School is one of only 22 recipients that will be featured in the magazine’s April 2023 issue.

"This award exemplifies the mission of the Sawyer Business School and adds one more strong testament to the commitment and social impact of our business education," said Amy Zeng, dean of the Sawyer Business School. "It’s an honor to have our dedication to equity and inclusion in business be recognized."

"This award exemplifies the mission of the Sawyer Business School and adds one more strong testament to the commitment and social impact of our business education."
Dean Amy Zeng Sawyer Business School

Inspiring Programs in Business Award winners are selected by INSIGHT Into Diversity based on their efforts to inspire and encourage a new generation of young people to consider careers in business through mentoring, teaching, research, and successful programs and initiatives.

"We want to honor the schools and organizations that have created programs that inspire and encourage young people who may currently be in or are interested in a future career in business," said Lenore Pearlstein, owner and publisher of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. "We are proud to honor these programs as role models to other institutions of higher education and beyond."


Greg Gatlin
Office of Public Affairs

Ben Hall
Office of Public Affairs