Interlibrary Loan

Materials that Moakley Law Library does not own can often be borrowed from other institutions through Interlibrary Loan. Course reserve materials and e-books can NOT be attained via Interlibrary Loan. Moakley Law Library uses ILLiad as its Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system. ILLiad is only available for current students, faculty, and staff.

To Use ILLiad
  1. Below, click on "Login To ILLiad." A new tab will open in your browser, prompting you to login with your Suffolk credentials.
  2. First-time users will be prompted to fill out information to complete your registration for an ILLiad account. Enter your name, student ID number, and required contact information as prompted.
  3. Click the 'submit information' button at the bottom of the page, once you've completed the form.
  4. Congratulations! You now have an account in ILLiad and can request books and articles through ILL!
  5. To request a book chapter, book, or article, hover your cursor over the 'new requests' tab at the top of the page, and click on the appropriate category to fill out the requisite information. Once you've done this, be sure to double-click the "submit request" button at the bottom of the page. The request will now appear on your ILL account homepage. Your request will be listed as 'being processed' until it is reviewed and sent out to be fulfilled. Once your request has been processed, you can check the status of the request via your ILLiad account.
Login To ILLiad

If you have any questions please email Interlibrary Loan at [email protected] or contact Steven Keren at 617-305-1615.