Strategic Plan

Suffolk University Law School is undergoing a process of transformation. Our goal is to ensure that our students graduate with the skills and knowledge to succeed when they enter a dynamic legal marketplace, and over the course of their careers.

The legal market and practice of law have changed dramatically over the last five years. Fewer traditional jobs are available to new law school graduates. However, professional jobs in non-traditional legal fields are increasing. Some of these fields like electronic discovery, on-line legal services, and legal process outsourcing did not exist just a few years ago. At the same time technology has greatly changed the way attorneys conduct their practices, interact with clients, and provide legal services. These changes present substantial and formidable challenges to all law schools. Those that fail to adapt to these challenges will find it difficult to attract quality students and graduate lawyers who can succeed in the transformed 21st century legal marketplace.

In early 2013, Dean Camille Nelson created a strategic planning committee to assess the challenges, consider the Law School’s strengths, and chart a course for the future. Over the spring semester and into the summer, the committee—composed of faculty, administrators, trustees, and a student—met regularly to discuss and debate the issues, while considering relevant data. Throughout the process the committee sought feedback from faculty, administrators, and staff, both through surveys and direct contact, and used this feedback to inform their deliberations.

The result is this Strategic Plan. As we undergo our transformation, Suffolk University Law School is poised to be an innovative leader in legal education. By leveraging the strengths of the Law School—its talented and diverse student body, exceptional faculty, committed alumni, dedicated administration, and Boston location— we will provide increased support to our students from all backgrounds, find innovative ways to prepare them to practice, and help them transition to become successful professionals. We will continue to promote the important scholarly work of the faculty while pioneering new ways for law students to acquire the knowledge and skills for success. And we will ensure that our students will be prepared to serve and lead in an increasingly diverse profession and society.

Strategic Plan 2013-2017

Download the Suffolk Law School Strategic Plan [PDF]