Residence Hall Association

The mission of the Suffolk University Residence Hall Association (RHA) is to enhance residential life through educational, social, and cultural programs, which serve as opportunities for leadership development in addition to facilitate student and community engagement within the residential community.

Get Involved

If you're interested in getting involved in your residence hall community, join your building hall council. Each building has a hall council that is made up of students and advised by your hall staff. Each month, you'll help organize events for fellow students, talk about what’s happening on campus, and advocate for other residential student needs.

As a part of hall council, you can attend meetings for Residence Hall Association that puts on programs for the entire residential community. Share what is happening in your hall, help plan large events, interact with staff, and be given opportunities to go to regional and national conferences.

Past events have included:

  • Opening Night Ice Cream Social
  • Welcome Week Casino Night & Cruise
  • Haunt-fest
  • Skating and Hot Chocolate on the Frog Pond
  • Elevator Cash Cab
  • Pizza-vator
  • Movie Nights
  • Pie-Your-RA-in-the-Face
  • Just Dance (Wii) Nights
  • End-of-Year Casino Night

We hope to see you soon!